Scheduling meetings
Setting up your next meeting is straightforward with Martin’s meeting scheduler. Martin offers a series of default options or the ability for you to adjust the settings and customise the language. This page details the process to schedule meetings and covers off some related functions.
In order to set up a meeting, there must first be some agreement about time/ place with the prospect. Accordingly, as with calls, you’ll establish meetings off the back of the relevant prior contact. Typically, you’ll capture an Outcome and then select Meeting as a Next Action.
Martin offers an easy four-step process to select the outcome and set up the next meeting.
1. Capture event outcome
- Before proceeding, capture the event Outcome
2. Pick “Meeting” from Next Action
- Please note that if there is already one or more meetings set, you will have the option to select either:
- Meeting booked – no new action – select this if you are fine to have just the one meetig
- Set up additional meeting – select this if you want to schedule more than one meeting
3. Set up your meeting
- Meeting title – is usually set to read Meeting <prospect’s name> with <your name>. To change, select, and type into the field.
- Date & time – default is for 9 am the next day. Please open this and adjust to the agreed time using the date and time pickers. These are the same as used for calling. To confirm your availability select the link to view your calendar.
- Location – will typically be your place of business or whatever your company set up in advance. To change the location, simply select and type the new location into the field
- Invite copy – click on the links to view standard content for the SMS and email invites and to add a comment.
- Four controls – the first three are typically turned on for all meetings but can be changed
- Save to (phone) calendar
- Send email invite
- Send SMS invite
- email invite to self (below)
4. Email invite to self
- If you also use your desktop calendar, there’s now a way to ensure your meetings appear there as well
- email Invite to Self sends you an invite that you can open and save to your business calendar
- Set it up to automatically send via your profile
- Override this by turning it on/off in the meeting invite
5. Select save to calendar & send
- Adds the meeting to your calendar
- Sends the invite per your instructions
TIP: Many leads come in with either email or mobile but not both. By setting both to send, we maximise the chance of getting the invite through.
Prior to the meeting
Changing the meeting – there are two ways to edit the meeting
- simply open the lead and select the Edit Meeting feature in the Status field
- select the “Manage Meeting” link at the base of the Contact Outcome page
Customer reminder – You can setup an automatic reminder to be sent to your customers prior to the meeting. Simply;
- Open your preferences and turn on “Enable meeting reminder”, and select a time to send these. Either;
- 5pm the day prior
- 8:30am on the day of the meeting
SMS Prompt – Martin will send you a heads up just prior to the meeting to remind you it is due to start.
After the meeting
Capture the outcome – open the lead, and select the Outcome link alongside the relevant meeting. This will take you to the Outcome page. Don’t forget to set up the Next Action.