Email is often needed to get a client over the line UPDATED

Some email contact is needed to get many prospects to the stage where they are ready for a meeting and then is often essential to close the deal. There are two reasons for emailing a client: firstly to establish contact and secondly to send materials to them.

Where a client provides a contact number, then Martin’s default workflow is built around phone contact and email is a channel for supplying documents. Where a client doesn’t provide a working contact number, then Martin provides workflow and event tracking around emails. The following explains how Martin supports you in both situations.

Sending an ad hoc email

To send an email to your prospect, select and open the lead and follow this process.

1. Trigger the email

  • Scroll to the bottom of the lead view
  • Select the email button

2. Select a template

  • A popup shows a list of templates
  • Each has a different purpose and content
  • There’s a basic custom email for short communications.
  • Others are designed for a specific purpose, to
    • request a contact phone number
    • forward marketing brochures or applications.
    • create a custom email via Outlook – see below for details.

3. Check and edit your template

  • Don’t be distracted by “wildcard” text indicating values to come.
    • These are used for names, locations, addresses etc.
    • You don’t need to do anything with the wildcards.
    • They will be populated when the email is sent.
  • Edit the subject line and add custom content
  • Check /change the “response due” (when you expect a reply)
  • Add or delete people that the email will be sent to

4. Select update to send

5. To access your email history

  • Open the lead view
  • Select View History link
  • Scroll to the date sent
  • View template for the email /the content under a separate links

Capturing an email response

When the due date arrives for your client response open the lead and follow these steps:

1. Trigger the outcome screen

  • Select “Outcome” link
  • This will open a special email outcome screen
  • Note the status and next status are shown at the top
  • Take note, these help work out which button to select

2.Capture Profile

  • If you have a quality conversation, then open the profile
  • These questions help you qualify the customer
  • See Profile & edit for more detail on this

3. Capture the outcome

  • If a reply was received, select “Replied..”
  • If no reply was received, then select “No reply”
  • If you are ready, move to the “ stage” (top of screen)
  • If not, “ change”
  • If the person is not proceeding then “Exit”
  • If its not a real lead, then “Problem”

4. Select the outcome detail 

  • This is the detail of the outcomer. It is either:
    • a reason why  for
      • “Spoke no change”
      • “Exiting”
      • “Problem”
    • the stage you want to move to if you select “Next Stage”
    • skipped altogether if you select “No contact”.
  • This is critical information for
    • when you come back to the lead, where you left things
    • the company to analyse the quality of leads.

5. Select the next action

  • If a reply was received & they are not exiting or a problem,
    • If a number provided – schedule a call.
    • If email only, then draft an email.
  • If no reply received
    • Schedule your next follow up point.
    • If you’ve made multiple attempts to contact the lead with no success, you’ll be offered an option to close, or continue.
    • Follow the prompts to close the lead or to set up another contact.

6. Set up / execute the action (detail in next section below)

  • Follow the workflow to complete the setup of your action.
  • Details in the next tab on how to set up Calls, Meetings
  • Details above on how to send your next Email.
  • Details to come on sending SMS’.

Sending an email as “next action”

After capturing an outcome, if you wish to send an email as your next action:

1. Capture Outcome/ select email

  • Follow steps outlined above
  • Select email as next action 
  • Select “Next”

2. Select template

  • A popup shows a list of templates
  • Each has a different purpose and content
  • There’s a basic custom email for short communications.
  • Others are designed for s specific purpose, to forward marketing brochures or applications.
  • One will give you the option of creating a custom email via Outlook – see below for details.

3. Check and edit your template

  • The template shows “wildcards” text that indicates values to come. These are used for names, locations, addresses etc.
  • You don’t need to do anything with the wildcards.
  • They will be populated when the email is sent.
  • Edit the subject line and add custom content
  • Check / change the default “response due” showing the number of days until you’d expect to hear from the person
  • Add or delete people that the email will be sent to

4. Select update to send


Email via outlook on desktop

Sometimes you need to send a longer email, perhaps with custom attachments and the templates don’t cover the application.

In these cases, you can set up an email draft in Particle (to make it traceable) and later open and complete it on your desktop.

This is how.

1. Select custom via Outlook

  • Follow the steps above to trigger the popup list of templates.
  • Select “Custom – via Outlook”.

2.Check and edit your email details

  • Don’t be distracted by “wildcard” text indicating values to come.
    • These are used for names, locations, addresses etc.
    • You don’t need to do anything with the wildcards.
    • They will be populated when the email is sent.
  • Edit the subject line.
  • Check /change the “response due” (when you expect a reply).
  • Add or delete people that the email will be sent to.
  • Select “Update”, to
    • Save the event in Martin, when you sent it and when its due.
    • Go to Outlook App

3. Edit in Outlook App

  • Selecting”Update” at 3 above, opens the Outlook phone app
  • On the screen you’ll see a Draft.
  • This draft has your subject line and the prospect’s email address.
  • Add an outline as a reminder.

4. Close the draft

  • Select the X in the top left hand corner
  • This will save the draft in your Outlook in the cloud

5. Complete and send from desktop 

  • Open Outlook on your desktop.
  • Go to “Drafts.”
  • Your draft will be at/near the top of the list.
  • Open, complete and send it.
  • There will not be a copy of these external emails in the lead.
  • However an event with the creation and due date is saved.
  • As with any email, when a reply is received/overdue, go to the lead view, select the Outlook email and click on “Outcome”.