SMS contact NEW
If your client has provided a phone number, then calling is the favoured method of establishing contact and managing a conversation. For this reason, Martin’s default workflow is built around phone contact with automated SMS sent to clients in the case of missed calls.
That said, from time to time, there’s a need to send an ad-hoc SMS to a client, say checking that they are on their way to a meeting or similar. Occasionally, also as an informal follow-up after a conversation. For these situations, Martin provides SMS capability as outlined below.
Sending SMS as “next action”
After capturing an outcome, if you wish to send an SMS as your next action:
- Capture Outcome/ select SMS
- Record your outcome
- Scroll down to “next action”
- Select “Send SMS”
- Complete and send your SMS
- Be sure to include the purpose of the SMS
- Try to keep your SMS brief – below 130 characters content is the norm
- Capture a “reply by” date
- To access your SMS history
- Open the lead view
- Select View History link
- Scroll to the date sent and you’ll find the full SMS
Sending an ad-hoc SMS to your client
If ad-hoc SMS is turned on for your business to SMS a client, simply:
1a. Trigger the SMS
- Open the lead you’d like to contact
- Scroll toward the bottom of the page where you’ll find the SMS button
- Select the SMS button
2. Complete and send your SMS
- Be sure to include the purpose of the SMS
- Try to keep your SMS brief – below 130 characters content is the norm
- Capture a “reply by” date
3. To access your SMS history
- Open the lead view
- Select View History link
- Scroll to the date sent and you’ll find the full SMS
Capturing an SMS response
If a client SMS’s you back:
4 & 5 Record Inbound contact
- Open the lead view
- Scroll down toward the bottom of the page
- Select “Inbound” button
- Select “SMS” contact
Capture contact outcome
- Capture outcome as usual
- If it’s just informational:
- Select “Spoke, no change” and capture the information either through
- Edit Lead – if they are providing new contact or other details
- Sales Notes – feature if they are providing qualitative information
- Select “Spoke, no change” and capture the information either through