Creating leads manually

Most leads arrive digitally, from sources like your website, google campaigns, Facebook or events software. These leads are captured in forms and arrive in the app via a digital connection. 

However, some of the best leads arrive more informally, as walk-ins, email referrals or phone calls. These are often better because they are going to extra effort to connect and are likely to be further along in their sales journey.

To help you capture these, Particle provides a “Lead Creator” in Particle Desktop.   To access the Lead Creator, open Particle Desktop in your browser by going to Once there, go to the navigation on the left and select “Leads/Create” this will open the creator.


Using the Lead Creator

Particle’s Lead Creator provides fields to capture all important information. Here’s how to use them:

1. Lookup: mobile, email or name to see if the person is already in the data base. If so, select “Copy” to pull their details into your lead. While convenient, this is also important to connect all leads so you can understand what else they’ve considered.

2. Contact information: you must capture at least one name and method of contact, but generally we’ll need all of the fields here filled out to manage & report on the deal.

3. Person type: this Enquirer will have a role in the deal – say as the buyer or perhaps a family member, and now is a great time to capture this.

4. Location: you must select a location in order for the lead to be tracked against theservice you are selling.

5. User: once you’ve selected the location, you can if you like leave this field free to allow the system to allocate the lead or you can go ahead and select yourself or any other user.

6. Source info: in order to track performance by source, your company wants you to capture, the Channel (how they arrived – Walkin, Telephone, Referral etc), Campaign and Trigger (what made them first consider contacting you).

7. Comment: capture any specific comments regarding the client’s initial request.

8. Profile: if you are having a quality conversation, then please take this opportunity to capture as much of the profile information as is comfortable.

Submit: when you’ve captured the information you need, hit submit to save the lead. It can now be accessed and managed in the Martin app.