Filtering the lead list
A filter is included to focus and order the lead list. It’s a powerful function that will help you manage the lead list to show the leads you want to focus on for a calling session or to find that elusive lead here you can’t quite recall the name. Press the filter button to access the filter tool, then use the filter functions as follows.
Lead Status: Shows or hides leads with the corresponding lead status. By default, only open leads are shown.
Open leads are those you are calling or talking with prior to agreeing a meeting. Closed are leads not progressing.
Time range: Shows leads within a certain time range. The time range refers to the time a lead was created.
Note: To clear a set time range, press the clear button.
Location: Allows you to only show leads associated with a certain location. This is useful if you are allocated to multiple locations and want to separate leads from different locations/projects.
Intention to proceed: Allows you to filter leads by intention, default options include ‘hot’, ‘warm’, ‘cold’, or ‘too early to say’.

Order Item: Allows you order the lead list by the following options:
- Date/time due (soonest to latest)
- Date/time created (newest to oldest)
- First Name (alphabetical)
- Last Name (alphabetical)
Reverse Order: Uses the control selected but then reverses it. For example – “Last Name / Reverse order” will start at Z.
Apply Filter: Applies the selected filter and saves the options as a ‘favourite’ if the favourite checkbox is ticked.
Clear: Clears the selected filter options and restores the default options.
Favourite: Allows you to apply the filter that you have previously saved as a ‘favourite’.
Cancel: Cancels the filter options and returns to the lead list screen.
Hint: when done, always remember to cancel the filter. That way the app will return to normal ranking which is critical to keep you up to date with urgent actions.