Lead alerts
Toward the top of the lead content, you may see one or more snippet’s of information titled Alert. These alerts are presented when there is something that requires your attention prior to calling. The lead view has many functions that enable you to manage your leads. Some present as buttons and others via links. This provides an overview of the main alerts.
1. Outbound campaign: This is when you are calling to initiate a conversation, not respond to an inbound request. These are highlighted so that you take note and prepare a suitable introduction for the call. Note, they require a very different opening than the usual “I’m A from B, responding to your enquiry”
2. Known contact: Often you’ll receive enquiries from prospects that you’ve spoken with before. This alerts you to who in your company spoke, what was the service discussed and the outcome of the conversation.
3. Foreign number: If a client provides a foreign contact number, then it’s important to know the country of origin before dialling. That way you can ensure you are calling at a convenient time and not the middle of the night.
4. Missing number: Not much gets sold via email. A conversation is usually necessary and the earlier it is had the more likely you are to convert the sale. Sadly clients will often leave the number field blank or provide a false number. Martin will usually detect a fake number and provide you a link to email the client.
5. Requested time: Some leads arrive with a requested time. Having provided this information, contact is more likely if its followed. Diarising it protects the time.
6. Unsubscribed: When looking through old leads you’ll see some leads have been deactivated and can’t be called. This is when a client has unsubscribed and ensures that the client is not called against their wishes.
7. Reformatted number: This appears where Martin has attempted to reformat a number that appears genuine but poorly entered. You can roll back to the prior version if you feel it was in fact correct.
Tip: alerts are there to draw your attention to things you need to know before your first call. Always check them to minimise the chance of surprises!